Study of free will in Avicenna,s Viewpoint according to the Lybet experiment and ethical results.

Document Type : Scientific-research


ferdousi mashhad university


Study of free will in Avicenna,s Viewpoint according to the Lybet experiment and ethical results.
In the philosophy of Avicenna the Imagination is the stage before the will. Then the Willingness and desire is created. After that ,the members will move. Unless the conditions are created, there is no will .The external factors are the cause of the imagination. The study of In neurological tests will has led to a kind of determinism.The illusion of free will was the result of Benjamin Lybet's experiment.There are many criticisms of this hypothesis.
This article is looking for a comparative study between these two points.(Avicenna,s Comments and the Lybet,s experiment) .There is a relative correlation between the stages of creation of will. But the results about determinism are not like the same.


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