Explaining and criticizing the exposure of Najafi Esfahani to Darwin's theory of evolution

Document Type : Scientific-research


University of Zanjan


The concept of creativity of beings among the Islamic theologians and the Islamic tradition has a long history. In this article, Najafi Isfahani's view about how human is born and his exception to the general law of evolution of beings are discussed. By adopting the principles of science, religion, and hermeneutics, he considers man's creature to be gradually evolving as justifiable, rational, and scientific, and sees it as a violation of the process of Darwinian evolution and neo-Darwinian evolutionism Introduces. In his opinion, one can distinguish between the evolution of beings and the creation of mankind and in some way considered man's creation as special. Najafi Esfahani, analyzing and criticizing the founding principles of the atheist evolutionists and removing the charge of materialism and atheisticism from the principle of the theory of Darwinian transformation, both to eliminate the doubts of the disbelievers of monotheist and theologians, and Darwin's theory of evolution-free of the approach Philosophy - A scientific principle that deals with the explanation of the process of the emergence of life. The final outcome of his approach to the emergence of man, based on his predispositions in theology and theology, is summarized in the creation of God toward man and the abolition of human evolution from the perspective of evolutionary theory. In the critical encounter with human evolution, he has used Darwin's manuscripts and critique of other evolutionists on the subject of human evolution.


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