Allameh Tabatabai’s Views on the Philosophical Foundations of Divine simplicity

Volume 17, Issue 2, January 0, Pages 21-45

Maryam Barooti; Reza Akbarian

The Methodological Critique of the Role of Mysticism in Judging the Methodology of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy

Volume 17, Issue 2, January 0, Pages 1-20

Hassan Rahbar; Shemasalah Seraj; Seyed Yahya Yasrebi

Review immateriality of the soul in Aristotle

Volume 17, Issue 1, January 0, Pages 17-36

hasan abasihosenabadi

Renewal of Archetypes from the Viewpoint of Ash'arites and Rumi

Volume 21, Issue 2, October 2021, Pages 17-36


Nafiseh Sadeghi; zakaria baharnezhad


Volume 15, Issue 4, January 0, Pages 19-36

Ibne- Hazm’s epistemology; theory of

Volume 16, Issue 2, January 0, Pages 19-42

The Place of Four Subtleties in Gaining Knowledge from Ain-Al Quzat Hamedani's Point of View

Volume 20, Issue 2, January 0, Pages 19-38


saba fadavi; azim hamzeian; ghodratollah khayatian


Volume 16, Issue 1, January 0, Pages 21-42

Authority and Role of “Cognitive Sources” in Ibn Abi Jumhur Ahsai’s thought

Volume 18, Issue 1, January 0, Pages 21-36

shamso"allah seraaj; somayeh monfared

Reflecting on the Issue of Predestination and Free will in the History of Imamah Theology

Volume 18, Issue 4, March 2018, Pages 21-46

mohammadhossin faryab

he attributes of metaphysics student in islamic philosophers' view

Volume 17, Issue 3, January 0, Pages 23-46

reza akbari; saeed hassanzadeh

The Genesis of Multiple from the Unit from the Perspective of Aquinas and Mulla Sadra

Volume 21, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 23-44


mohammad mollai Iveli; mohsen fahim; mojtaba Jafari Ashkavandi


Volume 15, Issue 3, January 0, Pages 25-36